To get the full list of phenotypic variables, please check the menu below. Click on the scatter chart to access the network page.
Tool description
PANDA reconstructs a gene regulatory network using TF PPI, TF DNA binding motif, and gene expression samples. LIONESS reconstructs patient-specific PANDA networks for each gene expression sample.
To download patient-specific networks, you can check the phenotypic information of the TCGA dataset or the phenotypic information of the GGN dataset. You can also select the networks by
clinical variables or download all the samples in a single file.
The variable Samples indicates the number of samples used for network reconstruction. For single-sample networks, clicking the number of samples links to the phenotypic variable table and the individual
networks. The number in the Sample variable and the phenotypic variable table may be different because the table can include samples from other studies. For example, in colon cancer, 444 TCGA samples were
used to build LIONESS networks in a first study and 445 samples were used for a more recent study. The superset of both TCGA samples is comprised of 487 samples, which is the size of the pheotypic variables
table. This discrepancy is due to different pre-processinng techniques, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and sample quality-control.
# | Tissue | Tool | netZoo release | Network |
Motif | Expression | Regulator | nReg | Genes | Data | Samples | Precision |
Reference |
1 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10701 | TCGA | 522 | D | |||||
2 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10701 | TCGA | 431 | D | |||||
3 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10439 | GGN | 70 | D | |||||
4 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA-LIONESS | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10701 | TCGA | 522 | D | |||||
5 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA-LIONESS | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10701 | TCGA | 431 | D | |||||
6 | Glioblastoma cancer | PANDA-LIONESS | netZooM 0.1 | TF | 650 | 10439 | GGN | 70 | D |
Variable description
You can either download all the networks to get a matrix of size the number of samples by the number of edges. The number of edges is 661 * 12817 (number of TFs * number of genes) (~ 106). Otherwise, you can specify the sample network to download and you will get a TF-by-gene matrix named after the TCGA sample reference.
Sample |
Gender | Race | Histological type | Age | Days to death | Date of diagnosis | Neo-adjuvant |
Radio-therapy | Vital status | Network |
Sample | Gender | Race | Histological type | Age | Days to death | Date of diagnosis | Neoadjuvant therapy | Radiotherapy | Vital status | Network |
All | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Edg28.4 GB |
TCGA-02-0001-01C-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 358 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0003-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 144 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0004-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 345 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0007-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 40 | 705 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0009-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 322 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0010-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 20 | 1077 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0011-01B-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 18 | 630 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0014-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 25 | 2512 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0015-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 627 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0016-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 2648 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0021-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 2362 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0023-01B-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 612 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0024-01B-01R-0177-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 35 | 1615 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0025-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1300 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0026-01B-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 27 | 748 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0027-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 370 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0028-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 39 | 2755 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0033-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 86 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0034-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 430 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0038-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 326 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0039-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 320 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0043-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 54 | 557 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0046-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 209 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0047-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 448 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0048-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 80 | 98 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0051-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 459 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0052-01A-01R-0177-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 383 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0054-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 199 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0057-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 66 | 604 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0058-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 28 | 254 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0059-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 291 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0060-01A-01R-0177-01 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 183 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0064-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 600 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0068-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 804 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0069-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | NA | 2006 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0070-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0071-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 167 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0074-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 310 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0075-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 634 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0079-01A-03R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 829 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0080-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 28 | 2729 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0083-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 59 | 691 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0084-01A-03R-0306-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 384 | 2005 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0085-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1561 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0086-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | 268 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0087-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 27 | NA | 2004 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0089-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 52 | 516 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0099-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 106 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0102-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 42 | 822 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0104-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 29 | 1977 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0106-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 355 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0107-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 56 | 537 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0111-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 705 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0113-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 43 | NA | 2001 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0114-01A-01R-0202-01 | female | black or african american | treated primary gbm | 37 | 3041 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0115-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | asian | treated primary gbm | 52 | 476 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0116-01A-01R-0202-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 51 | 1489 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0258-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 503 | 1989 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0260-01A-03R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 515 | 1989 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0266-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 14 | 539 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0269-01B-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 327 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0271-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 26 | 440 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0281-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 121 | 1991 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0285-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 422 | 1991 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0289-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 432 | 1992 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0290-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 485 | 1992 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0317-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 372 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0321-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 301 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0325-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 323 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0326-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | 223 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0330-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 484 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0332-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 782 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0333-01A-02R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 133 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0337-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 764 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0338-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 41 | 322 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0339-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 377 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0422-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 441 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0430-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 321 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0432-01A-02R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 1433 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0439-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 20 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0440-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 345 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0446-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 282 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0451-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 493 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0456-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 102 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2466-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 61 | 511 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2470-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 57 | 393 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2483-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-2485-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 469 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-2486-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 618 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0122-01A-01R-0219-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 84 | 187 | 2006 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0124-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 620 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0125-01A-01R-0219-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1448 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0126-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 86 | 211 | 2001 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0127-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 121 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0128-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 691 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0129-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 1024 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0130-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 394 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0132-01A-02R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 771 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0133-01A-02R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 435 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0137-01B-02R-0219-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 812 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0138-01A-02R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 737 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0139-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 362 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0140-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 86 | 6 | 2003 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0141-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 313 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0142-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 81 | 67 | 2002 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0143-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 357 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0145-01A-06R-0219-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 71 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0146-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 611 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0147-01A-01R-0219-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 541 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0148-01A-05R-0233-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 307 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0149-01A-05R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 262 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0152-01A-02R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 375 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0154-01A-03R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 424 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0155-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 318 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0156-01A-03R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 178 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0157-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 97 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0158-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 329 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0160-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 56 | 359 | 1999 | NA | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0162-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 104 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0164-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1731 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0166-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 178 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0167-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | black or african american | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 44 | 347 | 2001 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0168-01A-02R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 598 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0169-01A-01R-0219-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 100 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0171-01A-02R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 399 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0173-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 136 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0174-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 98 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0175-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 123 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0176-01A-03R-0233-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | NA | 2004 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0177-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 127 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0178-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 2681 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0179-01A-02R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 616 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0182-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 111 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0184-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 2126 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0185-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | NA | 2005 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0187-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 828 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0188-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 1356 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0189-01A-05R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 469 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0190-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 317 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0192-01B-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 1185 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0194-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 37 | 142 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0195-01B-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 225 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0197-01A-02R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 169 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0201-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 12 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0206-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 233 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0208-01B-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 256 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0210-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 225 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0211-01B-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 360 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0213-01A-01R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 16 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0214-01A-02R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 457 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0216-01B-01R-0338-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 735 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0219-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 22 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0221-01A-01R-0233-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 603 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0237-01A-02R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 415 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0238-01A-02R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 405 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0240-01A-02R-0233-01 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 57 | 621 | 2007 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0241-01A-02R-0233-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 1481 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0394-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 329 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0397-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 274 | 1993 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0402-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 8 | 1993 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0409-01A-02R-0280-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 2201 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0410-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 143 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0412-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 291 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0413-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 96 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0414-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1068 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0644-01A-02R-0306-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 384 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0645-01A-01R-0306-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 175 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0646-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 175 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0648-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 298 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0649-01B-01R-0338-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 64 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0650-01A-02R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 39 | 717 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0686-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 432 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0743-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 803 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0744-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 1426 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0745-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 239 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0747-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 82 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0749-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 82 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0750-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 28 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0875-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0876-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0877-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 172 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0878-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0879-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 1229 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0881-01A-02R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 504 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0882-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 632 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1084-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 728 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1086-01A-02R-0522-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 42 | 208 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1087-01A-02R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 123 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1800-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 815 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1801-01A-02R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 360 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1802-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 466 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1804-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 414 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1805-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 28 | 127 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2557-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 33 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2558-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 380 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2559-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | 150 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2561-01A-02R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 537 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2562-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 382 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2563-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2564-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2565-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 506 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2566-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 23 | 182 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2567-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 133 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2569-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 24 | NA | 2009 | yes | NA | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2570-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 21 | 285 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5408-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 357 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5410-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 108 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5411-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 254 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5412-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 138 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5413-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 268 | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5414-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5415-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5416-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 23 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5417-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5418-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 83 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5856-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 114 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-5858-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | NA | 2010 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-5859-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 138 | 2011 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-6389-01A-13R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | NA | 2011 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-6390-01A-13R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 164 | 2011 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-6391-01A-13R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 45 | 2011 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0244-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 690 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0245-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 1151 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0246-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 127 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0344-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 3524 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0345-01A-01R-0306-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 53 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0346-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 256 | 1993 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0347-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 782 | 1993 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0348-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 370 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0349-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 298 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0350-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 32 | 889 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0351-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 1987 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0352-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 79 | 39 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0353-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 256 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0354-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 546 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0355-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 747 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0356-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 946 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0357-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 1143 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0358-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 678 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0359-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 103 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0360-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 468 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0373-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 134 | 1994 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0375-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 372 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0380-01A-01R-0298-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 454 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0385-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 82 | 2003 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0386-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 548 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0389-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 467 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0390-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 425 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0392-01A-01R-0298-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 22 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0509-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 382 | 1999 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0510-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 130 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0511-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 235 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0512-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 1282 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0514-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 337 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0516-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 14 | 596 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0517-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | 1785 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0518-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 588 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0520-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 327 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0521-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 17 | 146 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0522-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 635 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0524-01A-01R-0280-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 17 | 221 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0525-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 486 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0529-01A-02R-0280-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 560 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0531-01A-01R-0280-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 230 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0616-01A-01R-0306-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 448 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0618-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 395 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0619-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 1062 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0620-01A-01R-0306-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 318 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0654-01B-01R-0338-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 231 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0656-01B-01R-0338-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 2883 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0657-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 3 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0670-01B-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 790 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0688-01A-02R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 811 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0692-01A-01R-0338-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 111 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0703-01A-02R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 620 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0707-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 864 | 1997 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0772-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 1638 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0773-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 24 | 1315 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0775-01A-01R-0338-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 232 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0776-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 296 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0778-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 454 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0780-01A-01R-0338-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 452 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0818-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | 2791 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0819-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 754 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0820-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 562 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0821-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 323 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0822-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 715 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0826-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 845 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0827-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 1179 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0828-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 272 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0829-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 626 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1088-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 3881 | 1989 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1089-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 177 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1090-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 231 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1091-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 10 | 1010 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1092-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 661 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1093-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 486 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1094-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 372 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1095-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 482 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1096-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 277 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1097-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 442 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1098-01C-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 121 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1099-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 126 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1597-01B-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 675 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1598-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 476 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1599-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 781 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1600-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 86 | 448 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1602-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 206 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3644-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1818 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3646-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 1339 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3648-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 819 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3649-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 463 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3650-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 333 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3651-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 386 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3652-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 1062 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3653-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | 442 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-5295-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 454 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-5299-01A-02R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 98 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-5301-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 62 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0736-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 460 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0781-01B-01R-1698-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 29 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0783-01B-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 189 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0786-01B-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 701 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0787-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 68 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0789-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 342 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0790-01B-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 419 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0812-01B-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 99 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0813-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 41 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0817-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 164 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0865-01B-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 502 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0866-01B-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 801 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0867-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 62 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0871-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 880 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1034-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 485 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1037-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 587 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1396-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 34 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1401-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 114 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1402-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 975 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1451-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 39 | 703 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1452-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 216 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1453-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 35 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1454-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 918 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1455-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 28 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1456-01C-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 23 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-1458-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 203 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1459-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 378 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1794-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 30 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1795-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 60 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1821-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 541 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1823-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 543 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1825-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 232 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1827-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 179 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1829-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-2554-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 532 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-2555-01B-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-3477-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 114 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-4157-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-0742-01A-01R-0338-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 419 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-15-1444-01A-02R-1698-01 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 21 | 1537 | 2004 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-15-1446-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-1447-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2004 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-1449-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 404 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0846-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 85 | 119 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0848-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 535 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0849-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | NA | 2007 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-16-0850-01A-01R-0389-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 498 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0861-01A-01R-0389-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-16-1045-01B-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 883 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1047-01B-01R-0522-01 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 139 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1055-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 313 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1056-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 426 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1060-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 278 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1062-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 646 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1063-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 425 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1460-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0955-01A-02R-0522-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 358 | 2007 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0957-01C-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 666 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0960-01A-02R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0962-01B-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 20 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0963-01B-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 434 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0964-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1385-01A-02R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 327 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1386-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 276 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1387-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1388-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 394 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1389-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 141 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1390-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 772 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1392-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 111 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1786-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1787-01B-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 385 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1788-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 39 | 112 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1789-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 99 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1790-01B-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 154 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1791-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2619-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2620-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 148 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2621-01B-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | 33 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2623-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2624-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 5 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2625-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 124 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2629-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 737 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2631-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 213 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-4068-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 136 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-5947-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 202 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5950-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 523 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5951-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 244 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5952-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 575 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5954-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 368 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5955-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | 54 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5956-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 684 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5958-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 428 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5959-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 511 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-5960-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 455 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-26-1438-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1439-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 422 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-26-1440-01A-01R-0522-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 296 | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1442-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1443-01A-01R-0522-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 216 | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1799-01A-02R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 285 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-26-5132-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-5133-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 452 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-5134-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 167 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-5135-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 270 | 2009 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-26-5136-01B-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 577 | 2009 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-26-5139-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | NA | 2010 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-27-1830-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 154 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1831-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 505 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1832-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 300 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1833-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 737 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1834-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 1233 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1835-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 648 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1836-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 914 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1837-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 427 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1838-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 350 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2518-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 753 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2519-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-27-2521-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-27-2523-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 489 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2524-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 231 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2526-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 79 | 87 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2527-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 438 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2528-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 480 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1745-01B-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1746-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 6 | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1747-01C-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 77 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1749-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1750-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1751-01A-02R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 231 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1752-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 42 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1753-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 36 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1755-01A-01R-0596-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 47 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1756-01C-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 86 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1757-01A-02R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | NA | 2009 | yes | NA | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1760-01A-01R-0596-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2502-01B-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 20 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2506-01A-02R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2509-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2513-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2514-01A-02R-0789-01 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-5204-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 454 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5207-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 343 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5208-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 544 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5209-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 77 | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-5213-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 298 | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-5214-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 713 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5215-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 335 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5216-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 415 | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-5218-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 157 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-5219-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-5220-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 388 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-6450-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 165 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1970-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 468 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1973-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 21 | 641 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1976-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 15 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1977-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 3 | 2009 | yes | NA | 0 | |
TCGA-32-1978-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 482 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1979-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 593 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1980-01A-01R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 36 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1982-01A-01R-0789-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 142 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1986-01A-01R-0789-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 386 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1987-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 452 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1991-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 515 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2491-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 372 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2494-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 632 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2495-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 59 | 457 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2615-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 485 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2616-01A-01R-0916-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 224 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2632-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 80 | 269 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2634-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-32-2638-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 766 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-4208-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 25 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-32-4209-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 40 | 618 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-4210-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 113 | 2010 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-4211-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 383 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-4213-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-32-4719-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 330 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-5222-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 585 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-2571-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 89 | 26 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-2572-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 406 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-2573-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-41-2575-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 290 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-3392-01A-01R-0916-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 88 | 30 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-3393-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 135 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-3915-01A-01R-1230-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 360 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-4097-01A-01R-1230-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 6 | 2010 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-5651-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 460 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4925-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 146 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4926-01B-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 138 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4927-01A-01R-1482-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 535 | 2005 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4928-01B-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 85 | 94 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4929-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 111 | 2005 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4931-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 279 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4932-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 50 | 1458 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4934-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 77 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-4935-01A-01R-1482-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | NA | 2010 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-76-6191-01A-13R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 508 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-6192-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 100 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-6193-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 82 | 2010 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-6282-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 519 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-76-6285-01A-11R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 254 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-81-5910-01A-11R-1698-01 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 49 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-87-5896-01A-01R-1698-01 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | NA | 2010 | yes | NA | 0 |
Variable description
You can either download all the networks to get a matrix of size the number of samples by the number of edges. The number of edges is 661 * 12817 (number of TFs * number of genes) (~ 106). Otherwise, you can specify the sample network to download and you will get a TF-by-gene matrix named after the TCGA sample reference.
Sample |
Gender | Race | Histological type | Age | Days to death | Date of diagnosis | Neo-adjuvant |
Radio-therapy | Vital status | Network |
Sample | Gender | Race | Histological type | Age | Days to death | Date of diagnosis | Neoadjuvant therapy | Radiotherapy | Vital status | Network |
All | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Edg23.6 GB |
TCGA-02-0001-01C-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 358 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0003-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 144 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0004-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 345 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0006-01B-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 558 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0007-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 40 | 705 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0009-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 322 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0010-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 20 | 1077 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0011-01B-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 18 | 630 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0014-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 25 | 2512 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0015-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 627 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0016-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 2648 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0021-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 2362 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0023-01B-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 612 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0024-01B-01R-0178-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 35 | 1615 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0025-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1300 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0026-01B-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 27 | 748 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0027-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 370 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0028-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 39 | 2755 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0033-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 86 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0034-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 430 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0037-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 110 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0038-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 326 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0039-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 320 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0043-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 54 | 557 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0046-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 209 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0047-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 448 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0048-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 80 | 98 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0051-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 459 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0052-01A-01R-0178-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 383 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0054-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 199 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0055-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 76 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0057-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 66 | 604 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0058-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 28 | 254 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0059-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 291 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0060-01A-01R-0178-03 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 183 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0064-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 600 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0068-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 804 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0069-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | NA | 2006 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0070-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0071-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 167 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0074-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 310 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0075-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 634 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0079-01A-03R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 829 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0080-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 28 | 2729 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0083-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 59 | 691 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0084-01A-03R-0307-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 384 | 2005 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0085-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1561 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0086-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | 268 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0087-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 27 | NA | 2004 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0089-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 52 | 516 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0099-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 106 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0102-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 42 | 822 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0104-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 29 | 1977 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0106-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 355 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0107-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 56 | 537 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0111-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 705 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0113-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | white | treated primary gbm | 43 | NA | 2001 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-0114-01A-01R-0194-03 | female | black or african american | treated primary gbm | 37 | 3041 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0115-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | asian | treated primary gbm | 52 | 476 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0116-01A-01R-0194-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 51 | 1489 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0258-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 503 | 1989 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0260-01A-03R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 515 | 1989 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0266-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 14 | 539 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0269-01B-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 327 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0271-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 26 | 440 | 1990 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0281-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 121 | 1991 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0285-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 422 | 1991 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0289-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 432 | 1992 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0290-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 485 | 1992 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0317-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 372 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0321-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 301 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0325-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 323 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0326-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | 223 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0330-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 484 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0332-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 782 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0333-01A-02R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 133 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0337-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 764 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0338-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 41 | 322 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0339-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 377 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0422-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 441 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0430-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 321 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0432-01A-02R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 1433 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0439-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 20 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0440-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 345 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0446-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 282 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0451-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 493 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-0456-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 102 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2466-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 61 | 511 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2470-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | treated primary gbm | 57 | 393 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-02-2483-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-2485-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 469 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-02-2486-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 618 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0122-01A-01R-0212-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 84 | 187 | 2006 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0124-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 620 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0125-01A-01R-0212-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1448 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0126-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 86 | 211 | 2001 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0127-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 121 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0128-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 691 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0129-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 1024 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0130-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 394 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0132-01A-02R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 771 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0133-01A-02R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 435 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0137-01B-02R-0212-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 812 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0138-01A-02R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 737 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0139-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 362 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0140-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 86 | 6 | 2003 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0141-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 313 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0142-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 81 | 67 | 2002 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0143-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 357 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0145-01A-06R-0212-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 71 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0146-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 611 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0147-01A-01R-0212-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 541 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0148-01A-05R-0232-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 307 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0149-01A-05R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 262 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0152-01A-02R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 375 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0154-01A-03R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 424 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0155-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 318 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0156-01A-03R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 178 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0157-01A-01R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 97 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0158-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 329 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0160-01A-01R-0232-03 | female | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 56 | 359 | 1999 | NA | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0162-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 104 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0164-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1731 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0166-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 178 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0167-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | black or african american | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 44 | 347 | 2001 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0168-01A-02R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 598 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0169-01A-01R-0212-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 100 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0171-01A-02R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 399 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0173-01A-01R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 136 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0174-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 98 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0175-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 123 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0176-01A-03R-0232-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | NA | 2004 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0177-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 127 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0178-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 2681 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0179-01A-02R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 616 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0182-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 111 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0184-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 2126 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0185-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | NA | 2005 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0187-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 828 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0188-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 1356 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0189-01A-05R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 469 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0190-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 317 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0192-01B-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 1185 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0194-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 37 | 142 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0195-01B-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 225 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0197-01A-02R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 169 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0201-01A-01R-0245-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 12 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0208-01B-01R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 256 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0210-01A-01R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 225 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0211-01B-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 360 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0214-01A-02R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 457 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0216-01B-01R-0339-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 735 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0219-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 22 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0221-01A-01R-0232-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 603 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0237-01A-02R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 415 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0238-01A-02R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 405 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0240-01A-02R-0232-03 | male | white | glioblastoma multiforme (gbm) | 57 | 621 | 2007 | NA | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0241-01A-02R-0232-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 1481 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0394-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 329 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0397-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 274 | 1993 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0402-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 8 | 1993 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0409-01A-02R-0281-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 2201 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0410-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 143 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0412-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 291 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0413-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 96 | 1995 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0414-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 1068 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0644-01A-02R-0307-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 384 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0645-01A-01R-0307-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 175 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0646-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 175 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0648-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 298 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0649-01B-01R-0339-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | 64 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0686-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 432 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0743-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 803 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0744-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 1426 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0745-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 239 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0747-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 82 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0749-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 82 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0750-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 43 | 28 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0875-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0876-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0877-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 172 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0878-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-0879-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 1229 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0881-01A-02R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 504 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-0882-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 632 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1084-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 728 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1086-01A-02R-0523-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 42 | 208 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1087-01A-02R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 123 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1800-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 815 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1801-01A-02R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 360 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1802-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 466 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-1805-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 28 | 127 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2557-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 33 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2558-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 380 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2559-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | 150 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2561-01A-02R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 537 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2562-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 382 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2563-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2564-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2565-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 506 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2566-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 23 | 182 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2567-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 133 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-06-2569-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 24 | NA | 2009 | yes | NA | 0 | |
TCGA-06-2570-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 21 | 285 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-08-0244-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 690 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0245-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 1151 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0246-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 127 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0344-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 3524 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0345-01A-01R-0307-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 53 | 1992 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0346-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 256 | 1993 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0347-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 782 | 1993 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0348-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 370 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0349-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 298 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0350-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 32 | 889 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0351-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 1987 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0352-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 79 | 39 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0353-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 256 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0354-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 546 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0355-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 30 | 747 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0356-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 946 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0357-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 1143 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0358-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 678 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0359-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 103 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0360-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 468 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0373-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 134 | 1994 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0375-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 372 | 1994 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0380-01A-01R-0299-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 454 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0385-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 82 | 2003 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0386-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 548 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0389-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 467 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0390-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 425 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0392-01A-01R-0299-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 22 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0509-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 382 | 1999 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0510-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 130 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0511-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 235 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0512-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 1282 | 2000 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0514-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 337 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0516-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 14 | 596 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0517-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | 1785 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0518-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 588 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0520-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 327 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0521-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 17 | 146 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0522-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 635 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0524-01A-01R-0281-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 17 | 221 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0525-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 486 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0529-01A-02R-0281-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 560 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-08-0531-01A-01R-0281-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 230 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0615-01A-01R-0307-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 467 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0616-01A-01R-0307-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 448 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0618-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 395 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0619-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 1062 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0620-01A-01R-0307-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 318 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0654-01B-01R-0339-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 231 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0656-01B-01R-0339-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 2883 | 1997 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0657-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 3 | 1996 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0662-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 1161 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0670-01B-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 790 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0688-01A-02R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 811 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0691-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 369 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0692-01A-01R-0339-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 111 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0703-01A-02R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 620 | 1996 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0707-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 864 | 1997 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0769-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 458 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0772-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 1638 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0773-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 24 | 1315 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0775-01A-01R-0339-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 232 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0776-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 296 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0778-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 454 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0780-01A-01R-0339-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 452 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0818-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | 2791 | 1994 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0819-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 754 | 1995 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0820-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | 562 | 1997 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0821-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 323 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0822-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 715 | 1998 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0826-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 845 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0827-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 1179 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0828-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 272 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-0829-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 626 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1088-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 3881 | 1989 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1089-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 177 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1090-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 231 | 2001 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1091-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 10 | 1010 | 2001 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1092-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 661 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1093-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 486 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1094-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 372 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1095-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 482 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1096-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 277 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1097-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 442 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1098-01C-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 121 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1099-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 126 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1597-01B-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 675 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1598-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 476 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1599-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 781 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1600-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 86 | 448 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-1602-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 206 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3644-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 47 | 1818 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3646-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 1339 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3648-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 819 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3649-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 463 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3650-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 46 | 333 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3651-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 386 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3652-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 1062 | 2003 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-12-3653-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | 442 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0736-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 460 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0783-01B-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 189 | 2000 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0786-01B-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 50 | 701 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0787-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 68 | 1999 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0789-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 342 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0790-01B-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | 419 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0812-01B-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 99 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0813-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 41 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0817-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 164 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0865-01B-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 502 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0866-01B-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 801 | 2002 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0867-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 62 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-0871-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 74 | 880 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1034-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 485 | 1999 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1037-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 587 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1396-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 34 | 2003 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1401-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 114 | 2004 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1402-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 975 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1451-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 39 | 703 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1452-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 216 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1453-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 35 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1454-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 918 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1455-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 28 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1456-01C-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 23 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-1458-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | 203 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1459-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 378 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1794-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 30 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1795-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 60 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1821-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 31 | 541 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1825-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 232 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1827-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 179 | 1998 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-1829-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-2554-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 532 | 2002 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-14-2555-01B-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-14-3477-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 38 | 114 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-0742-01A-01R-0339-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 419 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-15-1446-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | NA | 2006 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-1447-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2004 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-15-1449-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 404 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0846-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 85 | 119 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0848-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 535 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0849-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 54 | NA | 2007 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-16-0850-01A-01R-0390-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 498 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-0861-01A-01R-0390-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-16-1045-01B-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 49 | 883 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1047-01B-01R-0523-03 | female | NA | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 139 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1055-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 313 | 2004 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1056-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | 426 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1060-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 278 | 2005 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1062-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 646 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1063-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 425 | 2006 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-16-1460-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0955-01A-02R-0523-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | 358 | 2007 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0957-01C-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 666 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0960-01A-02R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-0962-01B-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 20 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0963-01B-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 434 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-0964-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1385-01A-02R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 327 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1386-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 276 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1387-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1388-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 58 | 394 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1389-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 141 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1390-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 772 | 2007 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1392-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 72 | 111 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1786-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 64 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-1787-01B-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 385 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1788-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 39 | 112 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1789-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | 99 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-1791-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2619-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | black or african american | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 55 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2620-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 70 | 148 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2621-01B-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 83 | 33 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2623-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-19-2624-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 51 | 5 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2625-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 124 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-19-2629-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 737 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-26-1438-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | NA | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1440-01A-01R-0523-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 296 | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1443-01A-01R-0523-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 60 | 216 | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-26-1799-01A-02R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 285 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1830-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 57 | 154 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1831-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 66 | 505 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1832-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 300 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1833-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 737 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1834-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 1233 | 2006 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1835-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 648 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1836-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 33 | 914 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1837-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 36 | 427 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-1838-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 350 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2518-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 753 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2519-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-27-2521-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 34 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-27-2523-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | 489 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2524-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 56 | 231 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2526-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 79 | 87 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2527-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 81 | 438 | 2007 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-27-2528-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 480 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1745-01B-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | NA | 2008 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1746-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | 6 | 2008 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1747-01C-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 44 | 77 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1749-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 73 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1750-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 40 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1751-01A-02R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 61 | 231 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1752-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 42 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1753-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 53 | 36 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1755-01A-01R-0597-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 52 | 47 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-28-1756-01C-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 78 | 86 | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1757-01A-02R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 71 | NA | 2009 | yes | NA | 0 | |
TCGA-28-1760-01A-01R-0597-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2502-01B-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 20 | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2506-01A-02R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 63 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2509-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 77 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2513-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 69 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-28-2514-01A-02R-0790-03 | male | asian | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 45 | NA | 2009 | no | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-32-1970-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | 468 | 2005 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1976-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 65 | 15 | 2008 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1982-01A-01R-0790-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 76 | 142 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-1986-01A-01R-0790-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 68 | 386 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2615-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 62 | 485 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2616-01A-01R-0917-03 | female | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 48 | 224 | 2008 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2632-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 80 | 269 | 2008 | yes | NA | 1 | |
TCGA-32-2634-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 82 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-32-2638-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 67 | 766 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-2571-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 89 | 26 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-2573-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 59 | NA | 2009 | yes | yes | 0 | |
TCGA-41-2575-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 75 | 290 | 2009 | no | yes | 1 | |
TCGA-41-3392-01A-01R-0917-03 | male | white | untreated primary (de novo) gbm | 88 | 30 | 2009 | yes | yes | 1 |
Variable description
You can either download all the networks to get a matrix of size the number of samples by the number of edges. The number of edges is 661 * 12817 (number of TFs * number of genes) (~ 106). Otherwise, you can specify the sample network to download and you will get a TF-by-gene matrix named after the GGN sample reference.
Sample | Survival | Network |
Sample | Survival | Network |
All | NA | Edg3.9 GB |
GSM1299517 | short-term | |
GSM1299518 | short-term | |
GSM1299519 | short-term | |
GSM1299520 | short-term | |
GSM1299521 | short-term | |
GSM1299522 | short-term | |
GSM1299523 | short-term | |
GSM1299524 | short-term | |
GSM1299525 | short-term | |
GSM1299526 | short-term | |
GSM1299527 | short-term | |
GSM1299528 | short-term | |
GSM1299529 | short-term | |
GSM1299530 | short-term | |
GSM1299531 | short-term | |
GSM1299532 | intermediate | |
GSM1299533 | intermediate | |
GSM1299534 | intermediate | |
GSM1299535 | intermediate | |
GSM1299536 | intermediate | |
GSM1299537 | intermediate | |
GSM1299538 | intermediate | |
GSM1299539 | intermediate | |
GSM1299540 | intermediate | |
GSM1299541 | intermediate | |
GSM1299542 | intermediate | |
GSM1299543 | intermediate | |
GSM1299544 | intermediate | |
GSM1299545 | intermediate | |
GSM1299546 | intermediate | |
GSM1299547 | intermediate | |
GSM1299548 | intermediate | |
GSM1299549 | intermediate | |
GSM1299550 | intermediate | |
GSM1299551 | intermediate | |
GSM1299552 | intermediate | |
GSM1299553 | intermediate | |
GSM1299554 | intermediate | |
GSM1299555 | intermediate | |
GSM1299556 | intermediate | |
GSM1299557 | intermediate | |
GSM1299558 | intermediate | |
GSM1299559 | intermediate | |
GSM1299560 | intermediate | |
GSM1299561 | long-term | |
GSM1299562 | long-term | |
GSM1299563 | long-term | |
GSM1299564 | long-term | |
GSM1299565 | long-term | |
GSM1299566 | long-term | |
GSM1299567 | long-term | |
GSM1299568 | long-term | |
GSM1299569 | long-term | |
GSM1299570 | long-term | |
GSM1299571 | long-term | |
GSM1299572 | long-term | |
GSM1299573 | long-term | |
GSM1299574 | long-term | |
GSM1299575 | short-term | |
GSM1299576 | intermediate | |
GSM1299577 | intermediate | |
GSM1299578 | long-term | |
GSM1299579 | long-term | |
GSM1299580 | long-term | |
GSM1299581 | long-term | |
GSM1299582 | long-term | |
GSM1299583 | long-term | |
GSM1299584 | long-term | |
GSM1299585 | long-term | |
GSM1299586 | long-term |