Ovarian cancer networks

To get the full list of phenotypic variables, please check the menu below. Click on the bar plot to access the network view page.

Tool description

PANDA reconstructs a gene regulatory network using TF PPI, TF DNA binding motif as regulation prior, and gene expression samples. LIONESS reconstructs sample-specific PANDA networks for each gene expression sample. To download sample-specific networks, you can check the phenotypic information and select the networks by variables of interest.

Variable description

You can specify the sample network to download by phenotypic variable and you will get a TF/miRNA-by-gene matrix named after the CCLE sample reference. The number of edges is the number of TFs/miRNA * number of genes (~ 106).

DepMap ID
Cell nameCOSMIC ID
SexRaceCultureCollection site
TCGA code
ACH-000001 NIHOVCAR3 905933.0 Female caucasian - ascites Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000013 ONCODG1 - Female caucasian - ascites Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000048 TOV112D 1299070.0 Female caucasian Adherent ovary Primary Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000091 OV56 1480362.0 Female - - ascites Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000103 CAOV4 949090.0 Female caucasian - ovary Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000116 OAW28 946360.0 Female - Adherent ascites Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000123 COV434 - Female - Adherent ovary Primary Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000132 JHOS2 1479995.0 Female asian - ovary Primary Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000237 JHOM1 - Female - Adherent ovary Primary Ovarian Cancer OV
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ACH-000256 COV318 - Female - Adherent ascites Metastasis Ovarian Cancer OV
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Showing 1 to 10 of 64 entries