To get the full list of phenotypic variables, please check the menu below. Click on the bar plot to access the network view page.
Tool description
PANDA reconstructs a gene regulatory network using TF PPI, TF DNA binding motif as regulation prior, and gene expression samples. LIONESS reconstructs sample-specific PANDA networks for each gene expression sample. To download sample-specific networks, you can check the phenotypic information and select the networks by variables of interest.
# | Tissue | Tool | netZoo release | Network |
Motif | Expression |
Regulator |
nReg |
Genes | Data | Samples | Precision |
Reference |
1 | Prostate Cancer | LIONESS | netZooM 0.5.3 | TF | 1132 | 18560 | CCLE | 11 | D |
Variable description
You can specify the sample network to download by phenotypic variable and you will get a TF/miRNA-by-gene matrix named after the CCLE sample reference. The number of edges is the number of TFs/miRNA * number of genes (~ 106).
DepMap ID |
Cell name | COSMIC ID |
Sex | Race | Culture | Collection site |
Type |
Cancer |
TCGA code |
Network |
ACH-000090 | PC3 | 905934.0 | Male | caucasian | Adherent | bone | Metastasis | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-000115 | VCAP | 1299075.0 | Male | caucasian | Adherent | bone | Metastasis | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-000177 | NCIH660 | 1330975.0 | Male | caucasian | - | lymph_node | Metastasis | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-000952 | MDAPCA2B | - | Male | african_american | - | bone | Metastasis | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-000956 | 22RV1 | 924100.0 | Male | - | - | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-000977 | LNCAPCLONEFGC | 907788.0 | Male | caucasian | Mixed adherent and suspension | lymph_node | Metastasis | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-001422 | WPE1NA22 | - | Male | - | Adherent | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | - | |
ACH-001453 | BPH1 | 924105.0 | Male | - | Adherent | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | PRAD | |
ACH-001627 | P4E6 | - | Male | - | Adherent | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | - | |
ACH-001648 | SHMAC4 | - | Unknown | - | Adherent | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | - | |
ACH-001649 | SHMAC5 | - | Unknown | - | - | prostate | Primary | Prostate Cancer | - | |
DepMap ID | CCLE Name | COSMIC ID | Sex | Race | Culture | Collection site | Type | Cancer | TCGA code | Network |